The requested URL could not be retrieved

Written on 3:40 by casimedicos

nuevo error
The requested URL could not be retrieved

While trying to retrieve the URL:

The following error was encountered:
Connection to Failed

The system returned:
(111) Connection refused

The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.

Server reboot

We have provlems with the file system on the server, so we will reboot the server to check it


Unfortunately this issue is a little more serious. From the onsite tech:

"During the file system check, it was determined that the root partition is corrupted. A manual fsck was performed on the root partition to attempt to repair the file system. The manual fsck was unable to correct the problem. Also, the primary hard drive is giving "media error" messages during the fsck. Due to the corrupt root partition, the server is unable to boot properly."

We're now installing a new drive into the server and will be copying data over to the new drive. This means some sites will be offline for a few hours yet.

We apologize for the inconvenience this causes, we'll post regular updates here.

en fin que si esto sigue asi me ire a otra compañia porque estos estan dadno fallos todos los dias

este servidor es un cacharro


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  1. Anónimo |

    Nick Riviera:
    diooooooooooooooos que asco!!!
    desde luego este servidor es un trasto, 2 veces en 2 días...
    nos veo haciendo otra vez las maletas como esto no se arregle cuanto antes jaja
    en fin... aquí estamos sin portal. a ver si se subsana cuanto antes.

  2. casimedicos |

    ahora sale
    ¡Funcionó! ¡El Servidor de Red Apache ha sido instalado en ese sitio!

    con lo cual ahora a esperar que restuaren la copia de seguridad

    que esperemos sea reciente

    de todos modos recordad que tenemos 2 direcciones

  3. casimedicos |

    System files all copied, restoring all user data now. ETA is about 90 minutes.

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